Charity and Events

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Habitat for Humanity

The goal of Habitat for Humanity is to ensure that every person has access to a decent, safe, and affordable place to live. Habitat for Humanity builds and repairs houses all over the world with the help of sponsors and volunteer label. The houses built are offered to partner families through no-profit, no-interest mortgage loans or innovative financing methods. Habitat for Humanity envisions a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Learn more about how you can get involved at

ā€œWhen the Keatings offered us this deal, it was just a blessing for us,ā€ she said. ā€œIt was something we knew needed to happen, and itā€™s nice to be in just one space now.ā€
Cynthia Staley | Executive Director, Golden Crescent Habitat For Humanity

Read More About Our Involvement With Golden Crescent Habitat For Humanity

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Family Outdoor Expo

The Family Outdoor Expo at Son Valley Ranch is the largest outdoor expo of its kind! This free event creates an outdoor experience for the whole family, bringing together various events all in one place. The Family Outdoor Expo allows families to fish, shoot pellet guns, climb rock walls, ride ponies, shoot bows and arrows, as well as educating themselves on various outdoor activities.

Founded and developed in Victoria, Texas, the dream of the Family Outdoor Expo is to provide an annual event for our small gulf coast community to bring the outdoor activities we love to those kids and families that may never get to experience them. Check out more information atĀ

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